The Values-Sensitive Library Assessment Toolkit serves to model a value system for library assessment practice, with the goal of helping practitioners identify and apply the values that are important to their work. The toolkit takes the form of a card deck, presenting 10 values along with 3 activities for working with the values. The toolkit is based on a national study of library assessment practitioners.
For more on the process that went into the research and design of the toolkit, view the presentation at the 2022 Library Assessment Conference [PDF]. For an even more in-depth discussion, check out the book: Knowing our Value and our Values Toward An Ethical Practice of Library Assessment, published by Library Juice Press in 2024.
Two sample cards are shown below, followed by a digital share link and a printable download of the toolkit.
Access the Toolkit
The toolkit is hosted on the Open Science Framework, available at the following address: doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/ZS5C8